Friday, 12 December 2014

Fedora 21 & My Personal Settings

Fedora 21 & My Personal Settings

12th Dec 2014

This guide uses 'GNOME Desktop' as that is the default for Fedora. Either 'Xfce' or 'LXDE' is recommend if your computer is slightly older (4yrs+). If you don't have issues with installation from the web, I would recommend selecting a desktop and adding more software later.

Install fedora 21 from DVD.
Download the

Fedora Workstation is a reliable, user-friendly, and powerful operating system for your laptop or desktop computer. It supports a wide range of developers, from hobbyists and students to professionals in corporate environments.

The Fedora installer is very minimal and most configuration steps will need to be done post-installation. With some minor exceptions most of the default settings are correct. The settings which are most critical are your partitioning and boot loader options.
The Fedora 21 installer has 3 main setup options (with some sub options):
  • Localization
    • Date & Time
    • Keyboard
    • Language
  • Software
    • Installation Source
    • Network Configuration
    • Software Selection
  • Storage
On the left you see 'Choose your environment' where you will get an option for what type of Installation of Fedora you would like to setup. NOTE: The Fedora 21 installer only allows ONE desktop environment to be installed at setup .
On the right you see 'Choose your add-ons' where you can add additional software that is either complements the environment you picked or add other software independent of the desktop. I recommend adding 'Development Tools', but this is not required.
Select [Done] at the top of the screen.
For NETWORK CONFIGURATION unless you have specific network configuration needs, most settings should be correct by default.
For STORAGE this step is incredibly confusing, make sure you read the steps very carefully.
On the INSTALLATION DESTINATION screen, select your hard drive where you want to install and then click on [Done] at the top of the screen.
On the INSTALLATION OPTIONS dialog, I set 'Partition scheme: Standard Partition' for Partition scheme configuration. Then I select [Custom partitioning] at the bottom of the dialog. If you don't have any partitions, you will see the option:
"I want to review/modify my disk parititions before continuing."

On the MANUAL PARTITIONING screen, I click the '+' (plus sign) on bottom left to add a new mount point. I have at least 3 mount points:
  • / size: 16GB
  • swap size: 4GB (double the size of ram)
  • /home (remaining space)
Once you add a Mount point you can customize it (this usually is not necessary). Once done, I click on [Done] at the top of the screen.
You will get a confirmation dialog with SUMMARY OF CHANGES before anything is done to your disk.
NOTE: If you are dual-booting with Windows I recommend leaving Windows to boot Fedora. In order to do this you must make sure the 'bootloader' is NOT installed on the MBR (this will typically be the first partition on the hard drive). In the INSTALLATION DESTINATION screen there is a small blue link 'Full disk summary and bootloader...' I made sure I did not overwrite the windows bootloader. PLEASE READ the bootloader notes in the official documentation.
To boot Linux from Windows I use EasyBCD (a freeware download for Windows).
Back on the INSTALLATION SUMMARY screen I click on [Begin Installation] on the bottom right.
As it installs, click on ROOT PASSWORD and set a password. This is for the adminstrative control over the whole machine, and not a personal user password.
After setting the 'root' password, create a user account with USER CREATION. Make sure you create an account for yourself. If this user account will also be administering the computer, make sure to select "Make this user administrator"
(acknowledgement- Mauriat Miranda)
After Installation expansion
1. Open Terminal and go to root
Activities > Show Applications > ter in search box > click on terminal
[kalyan@localhost ~]$ su -
[root@localhost ~]# cd /
[root@localhost /]#

2. Disable Selinux
[root@localhost /]# gedit /etc/selinux/config

You will get SELINUX=enforcing
make it disabled, i.e, SELINUX=disabled
Now, save it and reboot the computer.

3. Keep Cache for latter use.

[root@localhost /]# gedit /etc/yum.conf
Make keepcache=0 to keepcache=1
You will find all installed files (downloaded from repositories) files in /var/cache/yum/21

3.Repositories to Add.
You will find the repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d
Fedora comes with following repositories -

We have to add RPMFUSHION Repositories (both free & non-free).
Download rpmfusion-free-release-21.noarch.rpm & rpmfusion-nonfree-release-21.noarch.rpm from and install them for rpmfusion-free.repo, rpmfusion-free-updates.repo, rpmfusion-nonfree.repo, rpmfusion-nonfree-updates.repo

[root@localhost /]# rpm -ivh '/home/kalyan/Downloads/rpmfusion-free-release-21.noarch.rpm'
[root@localhost /]# rpm -ivh '/home/kalyan/Downloads/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-21.noarch.rpm'

4. Set Fastest Mirror & Take Updates
[root@localhost /]#yum install yum-plugin-fastestmirror
[root@localhost /]#yum update

5. Set TWEAKs for Gnome Extensions for an Easy Desktop

[root@localhost /]#yum install gnome-tweak-tool.noarch gnome-shell.i686 gnome-shell-extension-common.noarch gnome-shell-extension-alternate-tab.noarch gnome-shell-extension-apps-menu.noarch gnome-shell-extension-auto-move-windows.noarch gnome-shell-extension-background-logo.noarch gnome-shell-extension-drive-menu.noarch gnome-shell-extension-gpaste.noarch gnome-shell-extension-launch-new-instance.noarch gnome-shell-extension-native-window-placement.noarch gnome-shell-extension-places-menu.noarch gnome-shell-extension-pomodoro.i686 gnome-shell-extension-screenshot-window-sizer.noarch gnome-shell-extension-systemMonitor.noarch gnome-shell-extension-user-theme.noarch gnome-shell-extension-window-list.noarch gnome-shell-extension-windowsNavigator.noarch gnome-shell-extension-workspace-indicator.noarch gnome-shell-frippery.noarch gnome-shell-extension-iok.noarch

Down load from gnome-shell-frippery-0.9.0-1.noarch.rpm and install it
[root@localhost /]# rpm -ivh '/home/kalyan/Downloads/gnome-shell-frippery-0.9.0-1.noarch.rpm'

inactive extensions

Now, open tweak box,
Activities > Show Applications > tweak in search box
Make ON & tick the following boxes
Desktop > Icon on Desktop >ON
Tick Mark on Home, Trash, Mounted Voluemes
(These will show Home, Trash folder & Mounted volumes (pen drive, external storages if attached on the desktop)

Extensions > Alternatetab >ON
Applications menu
Auto move windows >ON
Background logo
Frippery applications menu
Frippery bottom panel
Frippery move clock
Frippery panel favourites >ON
Indic onscreen keyboard
Launch new instance
Native window placement >ON
status indicator
Removable drive menu >ON
Screenshot window sizer >ON
user thems
Window list
Workspace indicator
Windownavigator >ON

Top Bar> Show Application Menu >ON
Tick Mark on Show date

Windows > Attached Modal Dialogs >ON
> Automatically Raise Windows > ON
> Titlebar Buttons > Maximize > ON
> Minimize > ON


[root@localhost /]#yum install wget gcc gcc-c++ make unrar p7zip p7zip-plugins gftp unace zip unzip sharutils lha arj cabextract file-roller rpmdevtools rpm-build gparted alacarte dconf-editor

Tools for local-repositories, livecd etc
[root@localhost /]#yum install createrepo livecd-tools spin-kickstarts liveusb-creator

[root@localhost /]#yum install nautilus* nautilus-image-converter.i686

7. Themes
[root@localhost /]#yum install gnome-shell-theme-selene.noarch gnome-shell-theme-zukitwo.noarch gnome-shell-theme-zukiwi.noarch

8.Enabling Categories in GNOME Shell Application Menu

9. media codecs
[root@localhost /]#yum install gstreamer* ffmpeg* lame* mpg* mpeg* libXp mjpegtools lsdvd dvd+rw-tools h264enc mpeg2dec id3v2 id3lib libmpg123-devel icedax nautilus-sound-converter flac libmpeg* uudeview libdvdnav-devel.i686 libdvdread-devel.i686 libdvdnav.i686 libdvdread.i686

download from libdvdcss2, libdvdcss & libdvdcss-devel and install. ( Note: These three not yet been updated for fedora 21, will be available soon.
[root@localhost /]#rpm -ivh '/home/kalyan/Downloads/libdvdcss2-1.2.13-7.fc20.i686.rpm'
[root@localhost /]#rpm -ivh '/home/kalyan/Downloads/libdvdcss-1.2.13-7.fc20.i686.rpm'
[root@localhost /]#rpm -ivh '/home/kalyan/Downloads/libdvdcss-devel-1.2.13-7.fc20.i686.rpm'

[root@localhost /]#rpm -ivh '/home/kalyan/Downloads/win32-codecs-all-20110131-1.i686.rpm'

11. Adobe Acrobat, Flash etc
[root@localhost /]#yum install -y

[root@localhost /]#yum install flash-plugin nspluginwrapper alsa-plugins-pulseaudio libcurl

[root@localhost /]#yum install mozplugger xpdf

12. Java
[root@localhost /]#yum install java-*-openjdk java-*-openjdk-plugin icedtea-web subversion-javahl

13. Fonts

a)microsoft fonts
The Microsoft TrueType fonts package includes:
Andale Mono
Arial: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
Arial: black
Calabri: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
Cambria: bold, bold italic, italic
Candara: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
Consolas: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
Constantia: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
Corbel: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
Comic: bold, regular
Courier: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
Times: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
Trebuchet: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
Verdana: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
[root@localhost /]#rpm -ivh '/home/kalyan/Downloads/msttcore-fonts-installer-2.6-1.noarch.rpm'

b)bengali unicode fonts

30 bengali fonts will be installed.

[root@localhost /]#rpm -ivh '/home/kalyan/Downloads/ttf-banglaunicode-0.2b2-2.noarch.rpm'
c)ubuntu family fonts

Ubuntu Font Family is an OpenType TTF based font, designed to be a modern humanist-style font.

[root@localhost /]#rpm -ivh '/home/kalyan/Downloads/ubuntu-font-family-0.80-10.1.noarch.rpm'

14. Unijoy Layout for Bengali Input ( an extra key-board for Bijoy users)

Download bn-unijoy.mim from & copy it in /usr/share/m17n/

[root@localhost /]#cp '/home/kalyan/Downloads/bn-unijoy.mim' /usr/share/m17n/
[root@localhost /]#cp '/home/kalyan/Downloads/bn-unijoy.png' /usr/share/m17n/

Reboot the machine, then, Settings > Region & Languages > + in Input Source > Bengali (India) in Add an Input Source > Select Bengali(bijoy(m17n)) > Add
Now input selection menu will appear on the top-bar. & video
[root@localhost /]#yum install vlc smplayer audacity pitivi avidemux brasero banshee devede digikam minitube sound-juicer youtube-dl /usr/bin/gnome-sound-recorder gnome-screenshot gtk-recordmydesktop
[root@localhost /]#yum install blender bluefish cmyktool colord-extra-profiles darktable dia entangle fontforge font-manager gimp gimp-*-plugin gimp-data-extras gimp-gap gimp-paint-studio gimp-high-pass-filter gimp-normalmap gimp-paint-studio gimp-resynthesizer gpick GREYCstoration-gimp gnuplot hugin ImageMagick mypaint inkscape nautilus-image-converter optipng phatch screenruler simple-scan scribus colord-extra-profiles synfigstudio xournal extra & dictionary
[root@localhost /]#yum install vym pdfshuffler hunspell-bn hunspell-en

18. internet
[root@localhost /]#yum install filezilla

[root@localhost /]#yum install avahi-tools apcupsd-cgi apcupsd-gui apcupsd bluez-cups cups* c2esp dbus* foomatic-filters gutenprint-cups hpijs hplip hplip-common hplip-gui hplip-libs libgnomecups libgnomecups-devel libjpeg-devel libsane-hpaio libtool* libusb* mingw32-libusbx.noarch mingw32-libusbx-static.noarch mingw32-libltdl.noarch openssl-devel perl-Net-CUPS polkit-gnome ptouch-driver pyppd.noarch python-cups python-cups-doc python-imaging net-snmp-devel rasterview sane* xsane* foo2zjs.i686

Note: foo2zjs.i686 is the driver for hp 1020 series, hp psc 1000 printers

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